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Dr. CHAN Chi Kwan - Former Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, HKIEd


My granddaughter, Tiffany, who is five years old, used to ask me to play Fireman Sam with her whenever I visit her in England. She will be Fireman Sam driving a fire-engine rushing to put out the fire. I will be the citizen who reports the fire; the policeman who directs the transport; the reporter who asks Fireman Sam questions on the fire….. At the end, Fireman Sam will announce that the fire has been put out, and report to the public verbally the where, the when and the how the fire is put out, the number of people burned and sent to the hospital. I visited her in April this year. She didn’t play Fireman Sam now but Teacher Anna.


Role-playing helps children reach outside their world and embrace the emotions and feelings of others. When Teacher Anna instructs me to do this and that I said, “Teacher Anna, I am very tired and don’t feel well.” Teacher Anna said “O.K. Take a rest and you will feel better.” In role play, social values like caring, empathy, responsibility, considerateness are seeded and nurtured. Role playing is long considered the best way to develop the skills of initiative, communication, problem solving, and working collaboratively with others.


I am happy that in BOM City, children can choose their dreamed profession and the roles they like to get into. They will then be prepared to socialize with their peers and to play their role in the constructed “real” situation so as to display their knowledge, understanding and judgment to solve the problem with others. By observing their children play and with the help of professional analysis and debriefing parents can understand their children better psychologically, socially and developmentally.


Similar centers can be found around the world and I am happy that we will have our own BOM City at last in Hong Kong. I am looking forward to bring Tiffany to our BOM City when she comes to Hong Kong.


Dr. CHAN Chi Kwan
Former Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership
The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Ms. Jessie Chow - Educational Psychologist






BOM City提供了一个实作的环境,让孩子安全地经历不同职位。过往我们相信「你不是音乐家,所以不要读音乐」、「你不是艺术家,所以不要读美术」。但今天我们知道智能不是一个静态的数值;透过不同的经历,孩子接受不同的环境刺激,而发现自己的喜好和潜能;家长从旁鼓励,同时提供相关的合适机会,这正是家长能为孩子带来最宝贵的教育。

前华仁书院老师 - 黄展华先生




黄展华老师 敬题

智乐儿童游乐协会总干事- 王见好女士

从孩子第一天哇哇落地,父母心里总是充满冀盼;期望孩子健康快乐,盼望孩子潜能尽展。智乐(Playright) 深明父母所思,也深知孩子所需,一直致力推动游戏,支援父母,努力为孩子建造优质的游戏空间和机会。


我们十分欣喜遇上有心人,愿意从孩子的游戏出发,创造一个体验空间--木棉宝堡--让孩子自由探索,主动学习。 Playright亦十分荣幸获邀成为木棉宝堡的游戏顾问,为孩子合力建构这个好玩的成长空间。


木棉宝堡关心的是新生代的人格发展,让孩子自小培养由美国著名心理学家霍华贾纳教授(Howard Gardner) 提出的五种「未来的能力」,包括学习力、整合力、创造力、尊重力和道德力。我们相信,透过游戏,能引发孩子主动参与,真实感受,更可加深对社会的认识,建立起包容关怀的视野,成就出回应全人发展的新世代。



Ms. Jessie


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